Ladies (and perhaps a few brave gents) we're getting personal on the blog today. Like, really personal. We're talking about our periods. *Gasp* It's one of those things (along with infertility, miscarriage and postpartum depression) that we forget we need to talk about. Well, here it is! I recently made the switch and decided to stop using pads and tampons. And everything changed. If you are on the fence about your menstrual products, keep reading. I'm about to change your mind for good! -Me and My Period Here's some information that you absolutely did not ask for, but is imperative to my story. I have extremely sensitive lady parts. Tampons cause high levels of discomfort to the point of migraines, severe cramping and a few times nausea. So, I don't use them. Now and then I would see a new kind on the shelf that promised comfort and slim fitting, and I would take a gamble. And lose. Every. Single. Time. I just accepted that I would never be able to wear ta...