So, one kid is watching TV very nicely and one is asleep (for now). It's actually kind of peaceful around here for once! I'm sure I've just jinxed myself. This month I got through two amazing books. I'm still working on our schedule as a family and once I can get things a little more under control I'll be able to put away maybe three books a month. We're not quite there yet, but patience! I'd really love to hear from any of you who read these posts, specifically if you like what I read or have suggestions for me (I love suggestions!). I also just love talking about books. You can always comment on the blog or send me something via Instagram (@alyxandraramos) and I will be snappy at responding. Ok, enough. Here are the reads!
"We Were Liars"- E. Lockhart

This book was so amazing! Though it is a young adult, Lockhart really nailed this book. I loved it. The young adult books these days are legit, like where was this stuff when I was in junior high and high school? Anyways. This family owns an island (yes, the entire thing) and they summer there. Every summer. Though every summer is not the same. When something happens to our main lady, Candace, one summer we are taken through a roller coaster ride as her three friends try and jog her memory to the incident. There is young love, strong characters and plenty of eye popping moments throughout this story. As you come to understand more and more about this family and what happened that fateful summer, you feel just as trapped as Candace and desperate to find the truth. You are just begging for someone to finally spill the beans, just promise me you will be patient and not skip ahead. The ending (oh!, the ending) will not disappoint. I've read some bad reviews for this book, but it had my heart. It takes a lot for a book to make me cry, but I was crying when I finished it. My husband thought something was wrong with the baby; that's how emotional I was. Read this book, and if you hate it please message me! I want to know why!
"Crossed"- Ally Condie

This is book two in the "Matched" series. I didn't write a review for book one because I didn't have the blog back then (that's how long it's taken me to get around to the second one). This series is based on a dystopian society wherein you are sorted based on your genetics, family, good/bad behavior, basically anything and everything; and eventually you are matched with another and are allowed to marry. This all has age limitation and restrictions like any good dystopian society. We are following Cassia in the first book starting with her match banquet. Following that, per society protocol, she is allowed to receive information about her match; but instead of seeing her match she sees another boy pop up. A boy that she knows somewhat well. We then delve down the rabbit hole of a break against society and asking questions/mind games. Overall, it's a good book and book two didn't disappoint. And usually I hate the second book of a trilogy, but Condie did really well here. There's adventure, love, battles of wit and arms; overall a good read and left me intrigued enough to read the last book. When will that be? Hard to say, but I won't put off finishing the series for too long.
Well, that's all I have for you this month. Hope you guys enjoyed the reviews. Just picked up my books for June and I'm pretty excited! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and happy reading!
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