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Showing posts from May, 2018

The Book Bit: May 2018 Ed.

It has been quite a busy month over here! Two camping trips (one which lasted five days), loads of traveling and I still managed to read three books. I honestly didn't think I was going to achieve it, but I did! Reading is such a getaway for me, but summer seems to be the busiest time of year for us. It feels like I have to squirrel away an hour here and there to have some downtime. One would think since it's so hot outside, the kids would want to stay in the air conditioning and relax (that's what I want to do!), but no. The outside calls them like a moth to a flame, and extra supervision is a necessity. I have no idea how other moms can read at the playground or on their back porch. I feel like I can't take my eyes off my kids for a second! They are akin to walking death traps. Goodness. Moving on. Two of the books I chose this month were not what I usually read. I went out of my way picking them, forgoing my usual random number selection process. I feel like my r

Making Friends as an Introvert

Hey guys! I'm really digging this weather. My plants are starting to bloom and get big, the kids and dogs practically live outside (which means the house stays clean longer than five minutes!) and it's just downright beautiful. We're in that perfect part of the year where it's not snowing (anymore) and not boiling (yet!). I hope, wherever you're living that it's perfect too. So, today we're talking about making friends when you're an introvert. I'm a pretty shy person, which is sort of funny since I have a blog. But, it's not like I'm seeking you guys out and starting up a conversation, you tune in as you like. So, actually, this is the ideal way for an introvert to have a conversation. 😏 Being an introvert means it can be hard to make friends and especially hard to turn acquaintances into genuine, growing friendships. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but we move quite a bit. Basically, every 2-3 years is our average. If you

What It's Really Like Having Two Kids

I think winter is officially over! Finally! It's already starting to get around here, but I'm just wishing and hoping for a mild summer. Being from the Midwest, I'm used to the heat, but having kids out in the blazing sun usually means cutting our outings short. If you all didn't already know, I have two kiddos. My son, four, and my daughter, one; and we have dogs and fish and plants. We're just a full house over here; it seems like! So, today, I'm going to get real with you about what it's like having two kids. Or more specifically, my two kids. -Early Days Right off, our son was less than thrilled to have a little sister. I remember when I was pregnant I would watch these videos of siblings first meetings. They were so cute, and you could already tell how much the older child loved the new little. Yeah, it was not like that. Not for us. And I was very realistic with our son about what to expect. I told him she would cry and sleep a lot and that Mommy