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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Book Bit: April 2020 Ed.

Hello, everyone! I hope that all of you have remained safe and are doing well. This month has been trying in our household to say the least. Let's just say, some of us are not adjusting to homeschooling very well. It's me. I'm not adjusting. My kid is holding up way better than me. I've been finding it hard to find time for myself and to get motivated to read this month. I managed to read my three books, but I really had to force myself to crack open the first pages. And getting reacquainted with my e-reader was... interesting. I bought my Kindle when I was in college (so many moons ago) because it was light, took up zero room in my backpack, and I never got late fees! But I struggled this month figuring out how to get my library loan to come through. Luckily my husband is a bit more patient with technology than I am. Anyway. Enough about my silly struggles with old tech. Let's talk about books. "High Five"- Janet Evanovich For those of you that have

The Book Bit: March 2020 Ed.

What a month this has been, am I right? I hope everyone is staying safe and being cautious, but I mostly hope that all of you are in excellent health. For those of us stuck at home until further notice, it can mean tons of time for extra reading! Well, my kids cut in on my reading time frequently, but I still managed to read three excellent books this month. "Lone Wolf"- Jodi Picoult You all know how much I love Jodi Picoult, so whenever I find myself in a slump I look into her collection and find one I haven't read. It'll be a sad day when I finally manage to read all of them. Do you guys have a go-to author? This book was nothing short of heart-wrenching, loving, beautiful, and tragic.  Luke Warren has spent his life with the wolves. He runs a sanctuary, is a member of the pack, and even spent an entire year in the wild living within a wolf pack. His extended relationship with his pack led to familial disaster. His wife divorced him and his son moved to Thail