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Showing posts from 2017

The Book Bit: December 2017 Ed.

I am SO glad the holidays are over; anybody else?  Watching my kids open presents is all well and good, but the stress of the season really got to me this year; and the cabin fever absolutely has my eldest child under its spell.  We've all been driving each other nuts for days!  Reading is always a good solution to stress, right?  I was so excited about this months books because I decided to only choose books that have film adaptions.  Trust me when I say it was extremely difficult to choose which ones to read, because obviously I want to read all of them.  It took me almost two weeks to decide on the lineup; to make it easier I decided to categorize my selections.  I chose an older book, a newer book and a book whose film adaptation I had not seen.  Here's what I came up with for this month's books. "Terms of Endearment" by Larry McMurtry   I absolutely love this film.  It was a staple in my house growing up; I swear we watched it at least two to three

The Book Bit: November 2017 Ed.

  Guys!  I'm actually getting my blog post up before the end of the month, can you believe it?  I'm actually more shocked than usual because we have been traveling so very much this month.  Even though I have extremely good intentions of reading while traveling (I pack my books and everything ) I usually never spare a minute to actually crack one open.  So, this is exceptional for me!  I hope everyone had a perfectly satisfying Thanksgiving this year; I know I did!  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I'm always sad to see it pass because that means it is officially Christmas season.  Christmas is not really my favorite thing.  I mean, I like decorating and baking and seeing all the lights, but the gift thing is not really my bag.  Plus, that means that fall is pretty much over and I love fall!  I mean, who doesn't?  Anyways, enough about the holidays, right!  Let's get down to business. "The Silent Wife"- A.S.A. Harrison   Let me just

The Book Bit: October 2017 Ed.

Oh, I love October!  It is my favorite month!  And not solely because it is my birthday and anniversary month.  It's just the perfect month.  The trees turn and create beautiful colors, there's that crisp edge to the air, the weather is perfect (well... mostly), sweaters and fuzzy socks, leaf piles to jump in, pumpkins everywhere and Halloween!  I mean, how is it not everyone's favorite month?  So, because October is already so special to me, I take extra care in choosing my books for the month of October.  Horror.  All month long.  And I spend roughly two weeks picking the books, because I want them to be amazing!  Now, I understand, horror is not for everyone.  I love being scared by literature.  It takes some extreme creativity and imagination to craft a successful horror novel.  They are hard to find.  Equally, you have to have a very active imagination to be scared by literature.  However hard it is to find good horror, I am always searching for the scare!  So, here&#

The Book Bit: Septemeber 2017 Ed.

  My goodness, you guys.  What a month this has been.  I am so very grateful for my life this month.  Both my kids are healthy and our lives are semi back to normal after my youngest has had an intense steroid treatment to treat an epilepsy disorder she was diagnosed with in August.  Basically we have been spending an extreme amount of time in hospital and doctors waiting rooms and many, many sleepless nights.  But, she is looking better everyday and we've all been getting more sleep.  Let me just apologize that there are only two books this month, but we have been busy and I needed sleep!  These two books were from my personal collection this time.  We finally got my ladder bookshelf installed and I hauled out all my books (I have more in storage) and started arranging them.  Once I couldn't fit any more I started really looking at the titles and I realized I hadn't even read half of them.  How could I display books I haven't even read? Isn't there some law against

The Book Bit: August 2017 Ed.

  This is a little late and I do apologize, this month has been very interesting.  Our youngest had a five night stay in the hospital and was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy.  We had to adjust to new meds and frequent doctors appointments quite quickly.  And sleep has not really been something I've been getting.  Needless to say, I haven't had much reading time.  But, I checked out three books and finished them; a few days late, but I finished them!  Also check out my new awesome book shelf!  I mean, it's almost installed and finished, but I couldn't resist putting this month's picks on it and seeing how they look, and I'm loving it.  These were all great picks this month, so let's dive right in! "Ill Wind"- Nevada Barr   This is book three of the Anna Pigeon series.  The first time I was introduced to her I popcorn picked the books so they were not in order.  This is one of those series you can get away with doing that, but it's

Maximizing Your Postpartum Hospital Stay

Ok, so this post is something I've been thinking about for a little while.  I have done the postpartum hospital dance twice now and I'm still learning how to make each time better than the last.  Of course, I have some tips and I want to include what I actually carry in my diaper bag.  So it's like a little bonus!  Aren't you so glad you decided to read this particular post?  So, let's get started.   First off, it sort of matters if you are having a planned delivery (C-section) or if you going the vaginal route.  Either way you need to pack a bag, it just matters how much stuff you decide to bring with you.  So... 1. Pack Accordingly   If you are having a C-section, make sure and pack going home clothes that will not bother your incision.  So, think baggy and high waisted.  Really you only need the outfit you will go home in because it's just easier to wear the hospital issue gown they give you.  Doctors and nurses will want to keep a close eye on your inc

The Book Bit: July 2017 Ed.

  Well, well, well, this month certainly flew by in a blink!  Now, I had every intention of reading three books this month.  Even checked out three of them from the library, but let me offer a few excuses for you and you can decide which one to run with.  My four month old is going through sleep regression, I have had visitors on two separate occasions, my youngest is unsatisfied doing anything besides sitting in my lap and thinks that book pages are for consumption and I have been the worst kind of sick.  So.  There they are, believe what you will!  Now, let's take a look at what I did manage to read this month. "After Alice"- Gregory Maguire   This book took me forever to get through simply because it was not my favorite thing.  I would sit down to read it and literally fall asleep with it in my hands.  And I've read other works by Maguire and found it all very intriguing, so I couldn't figure out why I did not enjoy this book. Maybe I set my expectat

The Book BIt: June 2017 Ed.

  Ok, so this month has been absolutely bananas!  And I'm writing this insanely late at night while the kids are quiet, hoping to get through the entire post uninterrupted.  Fingers crossed.  So, I bumped it up this month and finally got three books in!  It feels like a major accomplishment, so please just give me a moment to bask in my own glory...   Ok.    That was enough.  Let's dive in! "Marked"- P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast   Full disclosure, I have read this book before.  Many, many moons ago.  It's part of a young adult series and honestly I've read almost all the books.  But it was either so long ago that I can't even remember what happens or it really never left a lasting impression; it popped up in my series list as one to finish and I knew I would have to start it all over to get any real amount of closure from the series.  So, here I am, starting it over.  You know how most of the time I say it doesn't read like a young adult novel? 

The Book Bit: May 2017 Ed.

  So, one kid is watching TV very nicely and one is asleep (for now).  It's actually kind of peaceful around here for once!  I'm sure I've just jinxed myself.  This month I got through two amazing books.  I'm still working on our schedule as a family and once I can get things a little more under control I'll be able to put away maybe three books a month.  We're not quite there yet, but patience!  I'd really love to hear from any of you who read these posts, specifically if you like what I read or have suggestions for me (I love suggestions!).  I also just love talking about books. You can always comment on the blog or send me something via Instagram (@alyxandraramos) and I will be snappy at responding.  Ok, enough.  Here are the reads! "We Were Liars"- E. Lockhart   This book was so amazing!  Though it is a young adult, Lockhart really nailed this book.  I loved it.  The young adult books these days are legit, like where was this stuff when I

Surviving Month One with a Newborn (Again)

  Awe... Finally a quiet moment in the house!  For now... As most of you know we welcomed our second child into our lives last month.  She is such a blessing, but I severely underestimated how difficult it is to have a newborn.  Even though this is my second child it's been over three years since I had an itty bitty; and let me tell you, I've forgotten.  So, here are some tips for surviving that first month with your new bundle of joy.  If it's your first or your tenth, I think these will help. Accept Help   This sounds easy enough, but you will quickly learn that you may be a tad bit overprotective of your new offspring.  Plus, being women, we are always more apt to put the pressure of taking care of the kiddos as our sole responsibility.  Now is a terrific time to lean on your partner.  After all, you did make this baby together, so you should share the work load.  If you have older children, have your partner help out with the everyday things that happen with them

The Book Bit: April 2017 Ed.

No #blogtunes today!  Enjoying the silence that has finally fallen on the house!  Like I said in February, putting in a March post would be unlikely because we had our second baby.  And it has been... bananas!  I think we may finally be settling in to some sort of groove, but honestly I've just been flying by the seat of my pants and taking it day by day.  Interestingly enough, all those feedings give me about a solid 8 hours of reading time every day.  So I was able to read two entire books this month.  Unbelievable, right?  Without further ado, here are our books! "The Rule of Thre3"- Eric Walters   What would you do if suddenly nothing worked?  No cellphones, computers, traffic lights.  Not even your car.  Well, you don't have to imagine it.  Walters already has.  Even though this book is a young adult (and a series!) it doesn't read like one.  We follow sixteen year old Adam through this sudden electronic apocalypse as he learns how harsh the world can b

The Book Bit: February 2017 Ed.

  What a month this has been, let me tell you!  We are officially moved and am happily reporting to you from our new kitchen table.  There are still quite a few boxes and some love to put into this place, but home is home and I'm glad the move is over.  I did manage to put away three books this month amongst all the packing and hubbub, so without further ado, let me introduce to you our selections for this month. "Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found"- Jennifer Lauck   I read this book many, many years ago at a suggestion by my mother and decided to reread it as an adult.  It was even more heartbreaking the second time around now that I'm further into my life and a little more well rounded.  This book is a memoir that reads like fiction, you almost wish it wasn't a true story.  We meet Jenny when she is maybe five years old, serving as a live in nurse for her mother.  Times were different then and rough.  Jenny didn't know her mother any other way than