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Showing posts from August, 2019

The Book Bit: August 2019 Ed.

Hey book lovers, did everyone get their kids back to school? Or maybe you're the one going back to school this semester? Or maybe nobody is going back to school, but at least your favorite hangout is kid free during school hours. Whichever, whatever, school's back in session. I always have tons of nostalgia for back to school. I come from a family of teachers and back to school, for me, always meant days in the teacher's work room helping press letters for bulletin boards, shopping for classroom decorations, and spending hours in the library working with the laminator (this was a coveted job my sister and I used to play rock, paper, scissors for; if you don't know what one is, I'm sorry. You're childhood was deprived.) Back to school also, usually, meant I suddenly didn't have as much time for books anymore. After two months of unlimited time I was now stuck with weekend and speed reading until lights out. I'm happy to say that I no longer have such rest

The Book Bit: July 2019 Ed.

I hope your summer is treating you well and that you've found some lovely beach reads this month. I absolutely love the idea of lounging on the beach with nothing but a book and a fruity drink, but in reality I would probably get sunburned and my eyes would hurt from squinting at the tiny print of my book. So. I do all of my summer reading in the comforts of air conditioning. Well, summer is winding down now and school is only a few weeks away. I can hardly believe it! Where did summer go? While my kids have been spending a ton of time at the splash pads and running through the sprinkler in the backyard, I was able to read three excellent books this month. Let's get started. "The Silkworm"- Robert Galbraith This is the second book in the Cormoran Strike series. To read the review for book one, "The Cuckoo's Calling", click here . Holding onto the buzz from the Lula Landry case, Cormoran has been busier than ever and finally making headway on his