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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Book Bit: October 2017 Ed.

Oh, I love October!  It is my favorite month!  And not solely because it is my birthday and anniversary month.  It's just the perfect month.  The trees turn and create beautiful colors, there's that crisp edge to the air, the weather is perfect (well... mostly), sweaters and fuzzy socks, leaf piles to jump in, pumpkins everywhere and Halloween!  I mean, how is it not everyone's favorite month?  So, because October is already so special to me, I take extra care in choosing my books for the month of October.  Horror.  All month long.  And I spend roughly two weeks picking the books, because I want them to be amazing!  Now, I understand, horror is not for everyone.  I love being scared by literature.  It takes some extreme creativity and imagination to craft a successful horror novel.  They are hard to find.  Equally, you have to have a very active imagination to be scared by literature.  However hard it is to find good horror, I am always searching for the scare!  So, here&#

The Book Bit: Septemeber 2017 Ed.

  My goodness, you guys.  What a month this has been.  I am so very grateful for my life this month.  Both my kids are healthy and our lives are semi back to normal after my youngest has had an intense steroid treatment to treat an epilepsy disorder she was diagnosed with in August.  Basically we have been spending an extreme amount of time in hospital and doctors waiting rooms and many, many sleepless nights.  But, she is looking better everyday and we've all been getting more sleep.  Let me just apologize that there are only two books this month, but we have been busy and I needed sleep!  These two books were from my personal collection this time.  We finally got my ladder bookshelf installed and I hauled out all my books (I have more in storage) and started arranging them.  Once I couldn't fit any more I started really looking at the titles and I realized I hadn't even read half of them.  How could I display books I haven't even read? Isn't there some law against