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Showing posts from March, 2022

The Book Bit: February 2022 Ed.

I can honestly say that I am over this weird Midwestern winter weather. We've had three cold snaps within thirty days! And every time we have one I get a cold, the ones with lots of sinus pressure and headaches. So... it's been fun and I'm really really ready for some spring weather. I'm hoping March will be beautiful, but I also know I've lived in this region my entire life and have never witnessed a lovely one. I'm being optimistic. In other news, February is Black History Month! In observance, three of my four books (the fourth was chosen for my book club, so not much wiggle room there) were written by black authors. And though I put a lot of thought into these titles, I've been trying to diversify my reading throughout the year and not just in February. You may have noticed I've been reading more and more books by poc and bipoc authors as well as books that represent the lgbtq+ community. I greatly encourage you to also diversify your bookshelf, ther