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Showing posts from July, 2018

The Book Bit: July 2018 Ed.

Summer is almost over! These last few months have been jammed packed with family fun, and it all flew by in a flash. This month I perfected the art of procrastination. By the time I realized what day it was half the moth was gone and I hadn't started any of my books! Long story short, I put away three books in record timing. I don't think I've read that fast in a while. So I managed to read all three in time to post this before the end of the month, plus we did loads of traveling, and my kids require the outdoors every waking moment, apparently. I'm just gonna pat my self on the back. Now, that that's out of the way, let's get started. "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"- Stieg Larsson This was the book club selection, and I think we were all presently surprised that none of us had read it. It's one of those books I always meant to read, but never got around to it. Once it hit the U.S. (origins: Sweden), it was impossible to get this book. Every

The Book Bit: Special Edition

Hey guys! I know I usually lump all of my book reviews into one monthly post, but today I'm bringing you something extra special. I've been asked to participate in a blog tour by a fantastic indie author, Hannah Lynn, on the promotion of her newest book! How amazing is that! So, I'll give you a brief overview and my opinion, as usual, and then there's an extra interview at the end. She's also doing a special on her book. For the length of the blog tour, her book is only 99 cents! Guys, take advantage of this deal. You will love this book. "The Afterlife of Walter Augustus"- Hannah Lynn Even though I've been asked to review this, please don't think that I would automatically give it my seal of approval and flying colors. I take reviews seriously, and I would never recommend a book I didn't like. With that out of the way, this book is something amazing. Truly awesome. Walter just wants what everyone in the interim wants, to move to the oth

Why "13 Reasons Why" Is Important

Whether you opened this blog post because you liked "13 Reasons Why" or because you hated it, I'm glad you stopped by. Let me be clear that this post is not a synopsis or review of the Netflix series, but merely why I think everyone should watch it. I'll be honest; I dislike the series. I really do. There are a ton of things wrong with it, but we're not here to discuss it's shortcomings or why you think I'm wrong. We're all entitled to our own opinions. The main reason, I believe, in the creation of this series is to start a conversation. What began as a book (yes, Season One was based on the book with the same title), morphed into a show that everyone has been discussing. Some people love it, while others, not so much. But it's intention was to get us talking. So, let's talk. I'm going to break this down into three categories, primarily focusing on how schools can do better by our children in need, why we need to be diligent with our k

3 Tips for a Successful Family Camping Trip

It's summer, finally! And one of the things we love to do, as a family, is go camping. Anyone else love pitching the tent, hiking, lighting up the campfire, and sleeping under the stars? Even before my husband and I had kids, we enjoyed these activities together. Now that he have kids, we want to share that love with them and make some good memories. So, we took our kids on a camping trip. And it was terrible! There was so much crying, moaning, complaining, and no sleep. I could not understand how we spent all day outside (in the heat!) and neither one of them could sleep that night. You might be wondering, so I'll tell you, we have a son and daughter, four and one respectively. We knew our one year old might be a little young for camping, but we were willing to give it a go. Let me tell you; it took weeks to recover from that trip. I never wanted to take them camping again, but we had another camping trip set up a month later. I needed to make it a success, for my sanity. Up