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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Book Bit: May 2020 Ed.

Hey, everyone! I hope May has been good to you. I've managed to read some really great books this month. I don't know about where you all live, but the weather has not officially changed to summer in the Midwest. Not where I am anyway. Some days are still 50s and others 80s. I'm a little over it, honestly. I want to put all my jackets away and bathe in the sun! I want to sit on a hot beach with a good book or by the pool. Well. That might not be such a possibility this summer, so I'll settle for the water sprinkler running full blast for my kids and a lawn chair. Anyway. Have you all been reading any good books? I'm always interested to hear what you're reading, or if you have any recommendations for me. Sometimes I get stuck in my little reading ruts and always love reading new genres and authors. Drop me a comment if you have any recommendations. Let's get started. "Breakout"- Kevin Emerson So, I'm getting down to the bare bones of my