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Showing posts from November, 2016

The Book Bit: November 2016 Ed.

Not writing from my usual spot on the couch today; I'm actually home for the holidays!  Yep, left the kiddo at my parents house, stuffed my laptop in my bag and came to a fave coffee shop that I frequented during my college years.  It actually is a little nice, coming back to this old comfort that college memories give me.  Of course, the actual workload of college never sparks any fondness, but all the other stuff does; and being back in the town where I spent four years extending my education always makes me a little nostalgic.  So, no #blogtunes today, instead I'm soaking up the sounds of coffee being made, computers humming and some light chit chat between friends.  Loads better.   You all remember last month was my horror edition; a tip of the hat to Halloween, and I mentioned that this month would (jokingly) be filled with young adult books.  So, it wasn't a joke, I actually did read all young adult this month; completely by accident!  Seriously, put the numbers in