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Showing posts from December, 2022

The Book Bit: November 2022 Ed.

I know I always say this, but I have no idea where the month went! November came and went in a whirlwind. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday and is staying warm. I don't know about where you're living, but here, the weather has really turned cold fast. I'd even settle for snow at this point if it meant it would be a little less frigid. Even though November blew by, I still managed to read a couple of really good books! I think I'm officially out of my reading slump, which is a great relief. This time of year is when I typically do the most reading since we spend a majority of our time indoors. Ok, enough chit chat, let's talk about what I read this month. "Desperate Measures Short Stories" by Katee Robert So, last spring I read "Desperate Measures" by Katee Robert (you can find my review for that here ) and I've been meaning to pick up that series, but haven't managed to do it. I found out that Katee Robert published a book of b