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Showing posts from July, 2021

The Book Bit: July 2021 Ed.

You guys, summer is nearly over! Can you believe it?! The school supplies are out on the shelves, registration is up, and summer is officially winding down. It leaves me a little sad every year, but I can honestly say I'm ready to leave the heat behind. I've been really distracted by the Olympics the last few days but managed to finish up my books before months end! Let's get started.  "With the Fire on High"- Elizabeth Acevedo Emoni may only be seventeen, but she's known nothing but tough decisions for years. Besides being a teen mom, Emoni helps pay the bills, manage her grades, and deal with just being different than everyone else. But if there's one thing that Emoni knows with all her heart, it's food. And when the opportunity to join a cooking class at school that is planning on going to Spain, Emoni struggles with saying yes. Does she have enough time for that? Can she afford a trip like that? What's the point if she won't be able to purs