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Showing posts from March, 2023

The Book Bit: February 2023 Ed.

Welcome back! Did you have a lovely February? Mine just flew by! I know it's the shortest month, but I really felt it this year. Did you read any romance novels for Valentine's Day or pick up any books for Black History Month? I'm not much for the heart's holiday, so I didn't add it into my lineup, but I definitely try to diversify my bookshelf all year round and made sure to tuck in a book by one of my favorite BIPOC authors this month. OK, let's actually talk about what I read! "The Christmas Murder Game" by Alexandra Benedict Every year at Endgame House there's the annual Christmas Game. And though Lily is by far the best at it, she's not participated in many years since her mother passed away in that very house. But when she receives a letter from her aunt telling her the secrets around her mothers death will be revealed at the Christmas Game, Lily can't help but be drawn in. Throw in the fact that the winner gets Endgame House, everyon