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The Book Bit: Septemeber 2017 Ed.

  My goodness, you guys.  What a month this has been.  I am so very grateful for my life this month.  Both my kids are healthy and our lives are semi back to normal after my youngest has had an intense steroid treatment to treat an epilepsy disorder she was diagnosed with in August.  Basically we have been spending an extreme amount of time in hospital and doctors waiting rooms and many, many sleepless nights.  But, she is looking better everyday and we've all been getting more sleep.  Let me just apologize that there are only two books this month, but we have been busy and I needed sleep!  These two books were from my personal collection this time.  We finally got my ladder bookshelf installed and I hauled out all my books (I have more in storage) and started arranging them.  Once I couldn't fit any more I started really looking at the titles and I realized I hadn't even read half of them.  How could I display books I haven't even read? Isn't there some law against that?  Here I am all, "Oh, look at my lovely books.  Oh, no I haven't actually read them and can't give you an adequate recommendation, but look how prreeeetttyyy."  Pass.  So, I pulled from the new bookshelf and decided I need to actually work on getting through them.

"Sing You Home"- Jodi Picoult

  Ok, you guys already know how I feel about Picoult.  When I go to garage sales I immediately pull out her books from boxes.  They are ones I know I will enjoy and I still have not managed to find them all yet.  It's like a never ending hat trick.  This book was really good.  I know, I always say that, but Picoult really stuck her neck out on this one.  It was one controversial topic after another.  Every time I thought I had it figured out, another sharp corner to navigate.  Zoe Baxter is a music therapist who is passionate about her work and having a baby.  Let me just say, Zoe Baxter is a superhero.  I know she's fictional, but aren't all those other superheroes we know and love?  Her life just completely fell apart over and over again and she just kept getting back up and fighting.  This girl has got some backbone.  And after you think her life is finally back on track something else happens.  Follow Zoe through a few years of her life, rebuilding, finding love and finally getting her family.  Remember, I said it had some controversial points so if you're sensitive to homosexuality or extreme conservative faith, please avoid this book.  Otherwise, enjoy this book.

"Folly"- Laurie R. King

  This book was so very loooong.  And I was in a rush to finish it.  It's on one those books that drags on a bit, but then the last twenty pages are worth every minute of detailed reading.  Rae Newborn has dealt with depression her entire life, but when she loses everything, her mind is all she has left and hanging onto it proves difficult.  Bumps in the night are nearly enough to drive her over the edge.  In a last ditch effort to save herself she goes to a family owned island to rebuild her great uncle's house.  Strapped with her tool belt, what's left of her wits and the sounds of the night to keep her crazy, Rae begins her journey to wellness through hammer and nail.  Follow her journey as she finds herself and solves the mystery of what happened to her great uncle and his house all those years ago.

  That's all I had time for this month, but guys, it's October!  My favorite month of the year!  So, I have some very special books picked out for my very special month of the year.  So meet me back here at the end of the month for more books!


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