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The Book Bit: June 2021 Ed.

It's been a busy month of yard work, pool time and tons and tons of rain! My backyard is a muddy mess, my kids are stir crazy, and my chickens are less than impressed. At least being indoors gave me some time to read a few books this month! Let's get started. 

"What Should Be Wild"- Julia Fine

Maisie was born with the power to kill and resurrect at touch. Growing up without any human contact and a father who sees her more as an object to study, Maisie has lived a sheltered existence. Though lately, the woods behind her house seem to call to her, beg her to explore, even though she knows they're forbidden. Sheltered as she is, even she knows the tales of the woods and the people who went in and never came out. But when Maisie's father disappears, she must break all the rules in order to find him. Even going into the woods.

If you enjoy witchy type books and soft psychological thrillers, add this book to your list. There's a bit of everything in this book. We've got some science, fantasy, history, generational trauma, little scary bits tossed in, even a little romance! The ending didn't sit well with me and there were a few plot holes, but over all, I enjoyed this book.

"How to Walk Away"- Katherine Center

Margaret has everything she could ever want. She just landed her dream job, a proposal around the corner, and the promise of the picture perfect life she's always dreamed of. But when she wakes up in the hospital after what should've been the most exciting night of her life, her outlook is different. Follow Margaret as she navigates her new life, fumbles through family drama, and learns to move forward.

I found this book a bit predictable and honestly a little sappy. The family dynamics in this books are horrible, but yet somehow relatable. The ending was tied up a little too nicely for me and didn't seem that realistic. I honestly would've preferred a messy ending, because it seemed like everything else in Margaret's life was messy by that point. If you're looking for a light, uplifting read with a happy ending, this one's for you.

"Girls Like Us"- Cristina Alger

Nell hasn't been home in ten years. But when her detective father dies in a freak motorcycle accident, she knows it's time to go home. While she's there, she gets asked to consult on the grisly murder of a young girl. What starts out as a simple job becomes dirty and scary the more she digs into the case. The one question Nell can't shake is, "Did my father kill this girl?"

This was a fast paced read that left nothing out. I absolutely loved the main character and Alger did an amazing job piecing this story together. This is one the best psychological thrillers I've read this year. I highly recommend!

That's all I read this month, but I've got the lineup for July set up and I'm super excited! Hope you all are having a great summer so far and getting lots of books read. I'll chat with you all again soon. Happy reading!


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