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The Book Bit: January 2017 Ed.

Gorgeous-X Ambassadors
Monster-Imagine Dragons
Way Down We Go-Kaleo
The Big Bang-Rock Mafia
Where the Devil Don't Go-Elle King
Lil Darlin-ZZ Ward
Raise Hell-Dorothy
Give Me Love-Ed Sheeran

  Welcome, welcome to the New Year folks!  And what a year it already is, am I right?  Well, I've been busy and somehow this month has seemed fast and slow simultaneously.  You know?  On one hand, crap where did the time ago?  Have I gotten anything productive done this month?  The other hand; could this month be any longer!  How is it not February yet?  Regardless, I put away two books this year already (that was fun to say, err, write) and they were both pretty good.  My bookworm friend struck again.  She gave me one of these books as a birthday gift and lent me the other.  Book gifts and swaps are seriously the best.  Let's get started.

The True Meaning of Smekday- Adam Rex

  Has anyone else seen the movie "Home", starring Rihanna, Jim Parsons and J. Lo?  It's a DreamWorks movie, mostly for kids, but I absolutely love it.  So does my kid, he watches it all the time.  It's on Netflix for those of you interested in seeing it.  Anyway, this book is what the film adaptation was created from; and it does not disappoint.  For those of you who have seen the film and loved it, I know what you're thinking, "How could the book possibly be better?  The movie is already great!"  Well, since the movie was geared more for kids, DreamWorks really buffed out some of the rough edges of this story and shortened it.  They also had more exotic and exciting destinations.  I mean, it's a kids movie.  They had to go big.  We start with a young girl, Gratuity, aka Tip at the cusp of the alien invasion.  The Boov have decided they want our planet and decide to settle all of us in one state's worth of space in the U.S.  Of course, this is a global invasion, but we really only focus on the U.S. in this story (unlike the film).  During the invasion Tip is separated from her mother.  When she decides it's time to leave, she packs up her mother's car and promptly runs into a rogue Boov named J. Lo.  (I found this hilarious and probably one of the reason the real J. Lo ended up doing the film.  I mean, the book was dedicated to her.)  The two decide to travel together to find Tip's mother, hitting many bumps, scuffs and meeting interesting strangers along the way.  Somewhere in there another alien invasion happens.  I know, I know, isn't it a bit overkill?  Just roll with it.  It's a great read.  Rex is also known for some comic strip writing and being a talented illustrator.  It shows.  There are some terrific illustrations in the book and more than one comic strip inserted into the story.  You'll love this story.  And if you have kids who enjoy reading, this could easily be something you do together and then see the film.

Made in the U.S.A- Billie Letts

  Letts is famous for writing that book, "Where the Heart Is" which was also turned into a film.  She sort of specializes in writing these books that are centered around a struggling female searching for the American Dream, but having the worst possible time getting along in life.  Sort of "white trash" characters working their way out of the gutter.  I didn't think I would like this book, but it sucked me in from page one.  Lutie is a fifteen year old girl living in a tiny little town desperate to be more.  Just more everything.  And she has delusions of grandeur, like any teenager.  She has a little brother, Fate, that annoys her (obviously).  Lutie shop lifts to make her life interesting, but later it becomes a need after her father's three hundred pound ex-girlfriend drops dead in a Walmart check-out lane.  With Lutie and Fate's biological mother dead and their father gone to Las Vegas to get what he is owed, the kids face the foster care system or running away.  The kids make it out of the state by sundown in a borrowed car and a hope of being reunited with their father in Vegas.  The story of their journey is nothing short of heart wrenching, breath-taking and wonderful all rolled into one.  You will not be able to put this book down as you cringingly read every word.  The story of the things some do to survive and get by while still dealing with being children.  Pick this book up, you won't regret it.

  I know it's only two titles this month, but they are both really good.  I promise they are worth your time.  I've already got my lineup for February and it's fantastic!  Also, we are hoping to be a family of four in February!  I promise to get my blog post up before new baby comes.  Got any recommendations for me?  Love to hear what you're reading.  Till next time!


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