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5 Ways I Stay Creative - Writing

Lately, I have taken a direct interest in stepping up my blog game. I miss writing, and I wanted to rededicate more time to blogging. My sister, who also has a blog, asked me how I still come up with blog posts. Well, lately, I haven't been, and most months I just blog about what I've been reading; which is always popular amongst the crowds. I very much enjoy writing and have recently decided to work on self-publishing one of my books. Yes, I have written a book!

I also enjoy many other types of art including, visual, musical and cooking/baking (it's considered an art!). So, I've compiled a list of five things I do to help me keep my creative edge in my writing. This will be the first post of a series of ways I stay creative. We all need a creative outlet, whether you feel gifted or not, creating content is like food for your mind. And we could all use a good dose of mental stability every now and then.

1. Look for Inspiration

 I know this may seem pretty obvious, but if you're not feeling inspired how are you going to create anything? This is an excellent time to search the interwebs, Pinterest and Instagram. If you're looking for writing help, there are tons of Instagram pages that offer writing prompts. This is one of my favorites. Pinterest is also an excellent source of inspiration. Look for anything and everything; the world is your oyster!

2. Lead an Interesting Life

 If you sit at home all day and do nothing, you will have nothing to write about; especially if you blog. Think about the blogs you like reading the most, does the writer engage you in activities you wish you were doing or trips you want to take? They lead a life that makes them happy, and that makes for smooth writing. Now, I'm not saying cash in all your money and go off-grid, or on a one-year road trip, I'm merely saying if you aren't doing anything exciting or new now and then, you won't be inspired to write about it.

3. Try New Things

 This one is a bit more specific to blogging, but one way to create more content is to try out a new hobby. Maybe you've always wanted to learn to crochet, or ice skate or make sushi. Go give it shot! Then make a blog post about it and tell everyone how it went; maybe you will inspire someone else to try something new. This will also make your life more exciting and enjoyable; perhaps you will stumble upon something you never knew you would love.

4. Read

 If you want to write and you do not enjoy reading, I hate to tell you, but it's most likely not going to work out. Whether you are writing a novel, short stories, poetry, blogging or writing ad campaigns, you need to read other people's writing. Study how others perfected their craft. Learn what you like about your favorite authors and what you dislike. Reading other people's work always provides me with a boost of inspiration, whether it sparks a brand new idea or helps me over a block I am experiencing; it gets me writing again!

5. Provide a Service

 You should strive to give someone something they do not have; this creates a need. Nobody wants to read about something that won't impact them or help them in some way. Even comedy writing and memes provide something; they provide entertainment. So, not every blog post needs to be all serious and providing the most up to the minute information or be a how-to guide, it simply needs to provide the reader with something they didn't have before they found you. So, whatever it is you're passionate about, make sure you write about it in a way that provides a service to your reader.

That's all I have for you guys today. Be on the lookout more a lot more blog posts! I hope this will help you stay creative in your writing, whether it's a book, a blog post or your next Facebook status; as long as it helped! Remember to like, comment, and subscribe!


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