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The Book Bit: January 2020 Ed.

Happy New Year everyone! Still feels odd to be saying that since January is nearly over. After a week into the new year it begins to really set in, doesn't it? Everyone talking about their resolutions and a fresh start. Honestly? It all feels the same to me. Our schedules went back to normal and I went back to being happy just getting from day to day. I'm a believer in small victories, and a successful bedtime or my kids eating all their dinner is a big enough victory for me. I don't usually set new resolutions, do you? I did tell myself I wanted to read more this year and so far so good! I read four books this month (one of which was massive!), so I feel like I'm on the right path. Ok, enough small talk. Let's talk about books!

"Little Fires Everywhere"- Celeste Ng

What a lovely surprise this book was! The description seemed a little vague to me, but it exceeded all my expectations. Set in a very traditional community, we're introduced to the Richardson Family. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson have always had a plan and have stuck with it. They had four children, each special in their own way. They have a beautiful house and rent their extra house to only the most thoroughly chosen tenants. When Mia, a full-time photographer living from shot-to-shot, and her teenage daughter, Pearl, show up in Shaker Heights, Mrs. Richardson is grateful to give them a place to call home. Normally very nomadic, Mia has promised her daughter to stay put, but she had no idea how many secrets were hidden in this close-knit community.

Between Pearl getting lost in the Richardson children, Mia getting consumed by her new friend's personal life, and Mrs. Richardson digging into Mia's past, this book is a roller coaster that never slows down. From page one, I was hooked. Though I didn't love the open ending, I appreciated that Ng let me come to my own conclusions and I think you will to. Snatch this one up!

"Winter"- Marissa Meyer

This is book four in the Lunar Chronicles and my goodness was it an undertaking. Over 800 pages! It was completely worth it. If you have not started this series, you absolutely need to; I've been singing it's praises for awhile now! Meyer's has created this spectacular futuristic world that you will absolutely fall in love with.

The first book, Cinder, kicks off the series with a play on the classic Cinderella storyline. Except, our Cinderella is a cyborg. Already a new and interesting premise. Book two focuses on a rendition of Little Red Riding Hood, with Scarlet as our main character. It's probably my favorite book of the series so far. Book three centers on Cress, a retelling of Rapunzel. And book four concentrates on Winter, the Snow White and the Huntsman storyline. Instead of Meyer's shoving all of these complex storylines and characters into one book (and giving them lackluster back stories) she's produce four separate books to give us the story each character deserves, but also progressing the storyline that intertwines them all. It's brilliant. Books 1-3 are all about building, growing, and driving us to the action that takes place in book four and it's everything that I wanted it to be and more. The only thing I can't figure out? There are two more books in this series! I don't know what to expect out of the next two because Meyer's wrapped up book four nice and tight. I'm intrigued. If you haven't read this series, it's a must. I promise you won't be disappointed.

"Let It Snow"- John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

So, the only reason I was so interested in reading this book is because Netflix turned it into a movie. I saw in the little trailer that it was based on a book and I immediately put the movie aside for later. The book being written by John Green? That was a bonus.

This book is broken down into three short stories that are linked together and set in a small town. The biggest snow storm in fifty years kicks off our Christmas Eve nightmare. Last minute change of plans for Jubilee puts her on a train that eventually gets stuck in the snow. She hikes to a nearby Waffle House with a fellow passenger where she meets Stuart. With Jubilee's parents, embarrassingly,  preoccupied and her boyfriend MIA, this Christmas is proving to be anything but merry, but maybe Stuart can change that.

On the other side of town, three friends enjoy a Bond movie marathon when a phone call from the Waffle House sets them on an epic adventure. A race against time in a blizzard soon makes Tobin realize his feelings for one of his closest friends. But does she share his love? This second story is rom-com 100% and John Green didn't disappoint.

With Christmas over and her boyfriend not returning her calls, Addie is forced to accept that needs to start rethinking her life. We get to watch the two previous stories fold themselves into this third one for an epic conclusion. Though this storyline was not my favorite of the three, it was still a solid ending.

I really loved this book. I finished it in twelve hours, I'm not exaggerating! So, I was over the moon to watch the movie Netflix made only to be completely and utterly disappointed. I have never been more let down by a movie adaptation. And Netflix usually does such a stellar job! If you watched the film and thought, "Yawn!" or "Eh." please read the book! I cannot even say that Netflix gave a "very loose representation" of the book because I feel like they only used names from the characters. And sometimes not even that. The movie will in no way ruin the book for you, I promise. Read the book. It's wonderful.

"Bridget Jones's Diary"- Helen Fielding

Ok, so I decided to read this book because I've wanted to read it ever since I saw the film. And I watched it when it first came out, probably when I was too young to watch such things, but I knew I wanted to read the book! Yeah. Eighteen YEARS after the film came out I finally read the book. This book is laugh out loud funny. I've seen the movie hundreds of times and I still found this book hilarious and an absolute joy. Follow Bridget through one full year in her thirties, struggling with her job, her weight, her love life, her mother, and all her vices. I would not have been able to appreciate this book until now, honestly. It's all so relatable and hilarious. If you're like me and haven't read the book yet, go get it, have a laugh and a glass of wine. You'll love it.

My 2020 is starting out with a bang! All four of these books were great and I'm excited about what I'll be reading in February. Do you have any recommendations for me? I'd love to know what you're reading or, maybe, what books you got for Christmas that you're excited about this year? Don't forget to like and subscribe! See you next month.


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