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How to Commit to Yourself

Guys, I'm finally sitting at my desk to write this; my beautiful wood desk that has been in my family forever. It's been cleaned and is shiny again, and I finally feel like we are moved into this new place. Like, there are still pictures to be hung and all that, but it's starting to feel like home. Enough about me!

Today I'm here to talk about self-care. None of us give ourselves the care we truly deserve. We're busy with work or the kids or the cleaning or the errands or EVERYTHING else that we have to do. We, basically, just do the minimum of care that is required to get through the day. Now. That doesn't seem very fair, does it? We give our kids excellent care, making sure they have a good meal, clean clothes, clean bodies. We make sure they get enough play time, stories, maybe some TV as a reward. They get tucked into bed each night after we diligently brush their teeth. I mean. They get good care. We make sure of it because we're parents and that's what we do. But, who's making sure you get care? Well, that's left up to you, too! And after giving your kids, or pets, or even just dealing with your job (which can be crazy overwhelming) the care it deserves, do you have the energy to take ample care of yourself? The short answer; no. So, I'm going to offer some tips about how to commit to yourself and start getting that care you deserve.

1. Take Twenty

Just taking twenty minutes a day for yourself can work wonders. I'm serious. Twenty minutes doesn't seem like much time, but if you are doing something purely (selfishly) for yourself, it can really make a big difference. So take twenty minutes a day to do something that is all about you. Maybe do that facial mask you bought and have left in your makeup drawer, try a new hairstyle, paint your nails, meditate, make yourself a nice breakfast and actually sit down to eat it. I like to take my twenty minutes in the morning to kick start my day. Giving yourself that little boost can change your attitude about the entire day.

2. Hobbies

When was the last time you actually had one? Now, we're so busy being busy that adults don't have hobbies anymore. Unless you count social media (which you shouldn't). Your hobby can be art based (remember how much we used to love art class when we were little!) like drawing, painting, writing, reading, things like that. Other people enjoy physical activity as a hobby. Biking, hiking, yoga, golfing, bowling, disc golf, tennis; you get it. There are a million things you could do! Having a hobby is an excellent form of self-care and most come with health (including mental health!) benefits. Commit to spending an hour a week on your hobby. An hour's not long. You could totally manage that! And if it's something you could do with friends or your kids, then extra bonus points for self-care!

3. Goals

It's always good to have goals, right? But are you actually setting goals and achieving them? Set five goals for the year. Once you have five (serious) goals written down it will almost seem impossible to stop there. Make your goals challenging but achievable. Like I wouldn't write down that I wanted to lose one hundred pounds by the end of the year. While this may, actually, be achievable, it would be the absolute worst year of my life! So, be realistic. And write them down! Put them up where you can see them every day for motivation and a reminder that you are committing to yourself.

4. Commit!

This is it. You've made your lists, you have a hobby, you have ideas for your twenty minutes each day, now all you have to do is say yes. Commit to yourself. Promise yourself that you will do these things. You deserve it! You only go through this life the one time, don't you want to enjoy it? Don't you want to be the best version of yourself and be happy? I know you're busy with work and the kids and this and that, but don't be too busy to take care of yourself. These are little changes. Minute. You can do these little things to help give yourself the care you need. Just do it!

I'm sure you guys were expecting a longer list and more in-depth content, but this is seriously all it takes to get self-care started. And once you get going, you won't stop. You will feel better, happier, and others will take notice. Your kids, co-workers and spouse will want to know what you've been doing. Little changes go a long way. So, start today! Commit to yourself!


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